[Android] What is Android API level?
When I try to upload an app to Google Play Store, the following error occurs
Your app is currently targeting API level 31. To take advantage of the latest security- and performance-optimized APIs, you should target API level 33 or higher.
I took this opportunity to research what the API level is and how to raise it.
What is API level?
Level (version) of the SDK provided by the Android OS (the app uses this)
The first version is 1, and it is constantly updated.
It seems that the current policy is that applications will not be accepted unless the application uses an SDK with an API level of 33 or higher.
The app's API level is defined in buid.gradle
The minimum API level at which the app will work
API level at which the app is designed to run
How to update API level
So, to update the API level, you need to edit
( It seems that directly editing build.gradle does not work)
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