[Chisel/scala] Adding a hardware array to a bundle member
What want to do
As the title says, I want to add a chisel hardware array to a Bundle member. Situation is tat I want to implement multiple identical circuits and process them in parallel.
It's easy if it's an array of UInt, but I had a lot of trouble when the members of the array are hardware.
There are Scala types, chisel types, and chisel hardware.
Int and Seq are Scala types
UInt and Vec are chisel types
Wire and Reg are hardware
Only chisel types can be added to Bundle members.
How to do
Based on the above, the array should be a Vec, not a Seq.
So first I tried writing it like this:
class MyParts extends Module{
class MyBundle extends Bundle{
val myVec :Vec[MyParts] = VecInit(4)(new Wire(MyParts))
This will result in the following error:
chisel3.package$ExpectedChiselTypeException: Bundle: MyBundle contains hardware fields:
Since it was initialized with Wire(), the compiler recognized it as chisel hardware and gave me an error.
So when I remove the Wire, I get an error that says "Attach Wire"
vec element 'MyClass' must be hardware, not a bare Chisel type. Perhaps you forgot to wrap it in Wire(_) or IO(_)?
The arguments to VecInit must be hardware, but the members of a Bundle cannot be hardware...
So I wrote the following and got no compilation errors:
class MyBundle extends Bundle{
val myVec :Vec[MyParts] = Vec(4, new MyParts)
The likely causes are speculated to be as follows:
VecInit() initializes a Vec with specific values. Therefore, it requires specific "hardware" as an argument.
Vec() initializes Vec with default values. Therefore (?), the arguments are not limited to hardware.
Honestly, the logic around '?' is unclear, so I can't say with any confidence...
class MyBundle extends Bundle{
val myVec :Vec[MyParts] = Vec(4, new MyParts)
This is not officially stated, but simply means that if you do it this way, no errors will occur.
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