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[Flutter/Dart] Numbering of id when adding a new item



  • Register and save multiple items

  • Items are managed with a unique id

  • State management is redux The flow of adding a new item is as follows

  1. Dispatch AddItemAction with the input from the user as an argument in the view

  2. Register {id, item} in store with reducer

  3. Register {id, item} in remote database with middleware


  • Where to number the id when adding a new itemAccording to the flow above, there are three candidates for numbering: view, reducer, and middleware.


I think it's better to use middleware for numbering.

When numbering in view, there are the following problems.

  • Duplicate processing when adding items from multiple different pages or UIs

  • Id is a variable related to state management within the app, and the view should not know it (separation of concerns)

When numbering with reducer, there are the following problems.

  • Middleware can't know new id


In the following, I will describe the detail method to add with middleware.

The biggest issue is how to convey the id numbered by middleware to the reducer.

To deal with this:

  1. Define AddItemAction(Item) and AddItemWithIdAction(Item, int)

  2. View dispatch AddItemAction based on user input

  3. When middleware detects AddItemAction, it numbers a new id and dispatches AddItemWithIdAction

  4. Reducer does nothing for AddItemAction. When AddItemWithIdAction is detected, add argument id and item to store

The code looks like this:


class AddItemAction{
  final Item item;


class AddItemWithIdAction{
  final Item item;
  final int id;

  AddItemWithIdAction({required, required this.item});

void AppStateMiddleWare(Store<AppState> store, dynamic action,
 NextDispatcher next) async {

  if(action is AddItemAction){

    int id = getId();  //number new id
      AddItemWithIdAction(id: id, item: action.item)
  if (action is AddItemWithIdAction){
    saveToDB(, action.item);  //save to database
AppState appStateReducer(AppState state, action){

  if (action is AddItemWithIdAction){
   return addItem(, action.item, state);  
   //save {id, item} to store
  return state;


If you try to follow the framework, there will be various restrictions.

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