Spell out information about application development, etc.
[Flutter/dart]Save the image in a local directory
Overview In the smartphone application, if you want to retain the data even after the application is closed, get the value of the...
[flutter/dart]Open the Twitter DM page from the smartphone app
Overview When creating a smartphone app with flutter, you may want to open other apps directly. This time, I will show you how to open a...
[flutter]Execution failed for task ':shared_preferences:verifyReleaseResources'.
Phenomenon When I try to make an apk with flutter for publication with Google Pay and do flutter build apk, the above error occurs and I...
[Flutter/dart] Save the state of Redux Store / How to use redux_persist
Overview In many cases, you want to retain the data set by the user even after the application is closed. If you are using redux for...
[Flutter/dart] How to call a method that takes a class instance as an argument in a compute() method
Overview If heavy processing is applied while creating an application with Flutter, the operation of the application will become heavy....
[Flutter/dart] How to use flutter_isolate
Overview You may want to run heavy processing on a different isolate to make the operation lighter. Basically, you can use the compute()...
[Flutter/dart] ServicesBinding.defaultBinaryMessenger was accessed before the binding was initialize
Overview Suddenly the above error message appears and the app crashes. As in the error message and the article on the net, adding...
[Flutter/dart] Bold notification title with local_notification
Overview You can easily create notifications using flutter's library called local_notification. This time, I will show you how to make...
[Flutter/dart] Do not reset notifications local_notification when the app is restarted
Overview You can easily create notifications using a library called flutter_local_notificaton. However, if you turn off the app once...
[Flutter/dart] Set regular monthly notifications with local_notification
Overview A library called flutter_local_notification makes it easy to create regular notifications. However, this library only provides...
[Flutter/dart]onWillPop of willPopScope doesn't work
Overview In flutter, if you don't want users to return to the previous page, you can wrap the widget with willPopScope and write a...